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History of Physics Group Events

This page lists events planned for 2013; click here for HoP events which took place previously, or here for other organisers.

There are two sections to this page:

Rutherford's Geophysicists: Blackett and Bullard

Thursday 4th April 2013
Tilley Lecture Theatre, Department of Earth Sciences
Downing Street, Cambridge

This meeting is being organised by the History of Physics Group in collaboration with the British Geophyscial Assocaition and the Royal Astronomical Scoiety.

It is a one day meeting with the option of staying for a dinner and overnight accomodation in a Camridge College.

The Registrtaion fee £15 includes Coffee, tea, a light lunch, a book of abstracts and a wine reception. It is unlikely that such a distinguished gathering of Speakers will be assembled to talk on this topic again in the future. Early registration is recommended, by 8th March 2013 at the latest

Full details of the timetable and registration are available in the Poster, or at

Our newsletter, No 23 page 61 has a book review of Patrick Blackett "Physics, War and Politics in the 20th Century".

24th International Congress of the History of Science,
Technology and Medicine

This is to be held in Manchester 21 to 28 July 2013. It now has a mailing list for general announcements. Please visit:

to sign up and receive announcements, news and features in the months leading up to the congress and beyond.

Non-participants are equally welcome to subscribe to the list to receive general information about the Congress.

Our History of Physics Group is co-sponsoring an evening reception at this conference, which will ensure our logo appears in the programme literature and elsewhere. In addition we could have a table with literature at the reception.

The Congress will be a very large, with approximately 1,500 delegates and over 500 presentations.

Peter Rowlands is coordinating a symposium at the Congress, in conjunction with Neil Todd, a Manchester physicist. Its theme will be related to Bohr and Moseley.

Events organised by others

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Radioactivity
at the National Physical Laboratory

To mark the centenary of radioactivity standards, NPL is organising a two day scientific conference on 3-4 June 2013.

The aims of the conference are to give an overview of the state of the art (methods, instrumentation, regulations), to identify the priorities for the future, and to encourage collaboration between professionals working in different fields.

The conference will cover advances in radioactivity measurement for decommissioning, environmental monitoring, radiation protection, nuclear medicine and nuclear forensics.

Topics will include airborne radioactivity, waste measurement, instrument calibration, reference materials, ISO/BSI standards, nuclear spectrometry, radionuclide calibrators and new instrumentation.

The conference will include some invited presentations, plus sessions on the different applications, a poster display and exhibition. The conference dinner will be held at The Wharf Restaurant, with an invited after-dinner speaker.

Details of the program are at NPLJun13.pdf


Register online at:
National Physical Laboratory
Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LW
Tel: 020 8977 3222

Page last updated 18 April 2013
