Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting
of the History of Physics Group will be held
at 5 pm on Saturday 19th October 2013
In the Coupland 1 Building, Coupland Street,
University of Manchester


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of previous AGM
  3. Chairman's report
  4. Honorary Secretary's report
  5. Honorary Treasurer's Report
  6. Election of committee/group officers
  7. Any other business (please notify the Honorary Secretary in advance)

The Chairman welcomes applications from members of the Group to join its committee, which normally meets about 2-3 times a year. The committee's work includes receiving and considering suggestions for forthcoming meetings and organising these. In addition it acts on proposals to promote interest in the history of physics generally, for example by considering articles for the Group's Newsletters, suggestions for Blue Plaques, etc.

Nominations for committee members should be made to the Honorary Secretary, Dr Vincent Smith ( before 12 October 2013. If you wish, you may also contact the Chairman, Professor Edward Davis ( for further information or to suggest names of members of the Group who might be willing to serve on the committee.

If you cannot attend the AGM but have any issues you would like to be raised at the meeting, please contact the Honorary Secretary.

Pgae last updated 25 Nov 2013